Nokia presented “immersive audio and video” technology

Pekka Lundmark, CEO of Nokia, used a new technology called “immersive audio and video”. The phone call made has better quality, with three-dimensional sound, which makes interactions more realistic, reports Reuters.

“We demonstrated the future of voice calling,” said Lundmark, a veteran of voice innovation who was also present during the first 2G call in 1991. Lundmark used a regular smartphone and a public 5G network on the other end of the call. was Stefan Lindström, Ambassador for Digitization and New Technologies of Finland.

Current smartphones allow monophonic calls, the audio elements are compressed and the sound is less detailed. With ‘immersive’ technology, we will have 3D audio and a feeling that we are in the presence of whoever is on the other end of the call.

“It’s the biggest advancement in the live voice calling experience since the introduction of monophonic telephone audio used today on smartphones and PCs,” said Jenni Lukander, president of Nokia Technologies. “This will now be standardized… so that network providers, chipset manufacturers and cell phone manufacturers can start implementing it in their products,” she added.

In addition to immersive person-to-person calls, the technology can be used in conference calls where participants’ voices can be separated based on their spatial locations, said Jyri Huopaniemi, head of audio research at Nokia Technologies.

According to Nokia, almost all smartphones have at least two microphones, which makes it possible to implement this technology and transmit the spatial characteristics of a call in real time.

Nokia intends to obtain licensing opportunities with this technology, which is part of the upcoming 5G Advanced standard. According to the company, it will still take a few years for it to be widely available.

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